Friday, December 28, 2012

Where Is My Data!

When moving software to "The Cloud", from your C-Drive or server, are you losing control of your data?

When the data is on your C-drive or server, you can always get to it. You invest a lot of time and energy into entering the data, so you hate to see it leave your computer, and your control.

When PALs is hosted on "The Cloud", your raw data is only a click away. You can download data from "The Cloud" to your computer whenever you wish. You can even filter the data, select specific fields to export, or download selected or all data files. The files are zipped and downloaded automatically, and they become available to you on your computer for further data-mining using tools such as Crystal Reports or Excel or to design a merge file for a Word document.

So having your data on "The Cloud", need not result in you losing access to your data.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Planning Tool for Assisted Living Providers

We have the best users! They are definitely the leaders of PALs development team.

Shortly after adding our Dashboard (see previous blog), a user called to say thanks and that it was helpful to see what they did in the past. But what about changing it to a forecasting tool!

GREAT IDEA. Yes, by giving users the option of editing the data, they could project "What If" scenarios to guide their future coarse. So now, you can edit any month to see what effect a change would make. Or edit a month to ask, what if we raise staff salaries by 10%, what effect would that have on the overall performance. Similar for Resident fees. Or if we change the shift productivity ratio (care hours / staff hours) what effect would that have.

Once the scenario looks like the future you want, make it the agency's goal, for example, by instructing the staff scheduler to create the future staff work schedule to reflect the new shift productivity ratio. If you can measure it, you can change it.

Thank you users for your contributions in making PALs software the best software of its type.